Fantastic Five

Fantastic Five
Hard to take photos now with all three of them looking at the camera!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lara @ Gymbaroo

Lara and I have been going to Gymbaroo for the whole term. It was really fun! We really enjoyed the equipments and the fun things the instructor taught us. Lara loved being upside down, music time and baby massages, most of all, she loved the equipment. She has learnt to crawl, pull herself up and climb up stairs all the term! She is doing great!! Allison

Climbing up the slide

Look at her go in the tunnel!

Lara's naughty corner

"Get me out of here!!"--- Lara

Lara's naughty corner. Reed

Who is feeding who?

Now we know where Lara gets her messiness from. Reed

Friday, September 14, 2007

Play time

These photos are some of my favorites of Lara

Miss Potter (2006)

Reed and I recently watched The Miss Potter movie. It was absolutely brilliant. I am so into Beatrix Potter's story books now. I have included a few links for any information on the movie or Beatrix Potter's work. You can get a big book with all 23 tales, that is what I am going to get ($24 US). It is cheaper than getting 23 little books ($100 US), however, the little books would be easier for little children. You can also get baby board books. - Miss Potter movie site - official Beatrix Potter site - Fantastic site for kids
Cute Peter Rabbit with his siblings, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton tail.
Peter Rabbit ran away and ate some radish.

Beatrix Potter's - 23 tales all in one book, 400pages.

brush teeth

Lara's first two teeth came through. Check her out brushing her teeth!

Lara the Pooh

Lara was in her Winnie the Pooh Pj and in Reed's slippers. Doesn't she look gorgeous?

Bob The Builder party

Aimee, Reed's sister celebrated her 35th birthday last Saturday. It was awesome. You might wonder why she is having a Bob the builder party. Well.. Her and her husband are building a house in their backyard. Since her backyard is a building site, she decided to have a Bob the builder party. The party was catered for all ages, there was a jumping castle! We all had a great time.
I took this photo before we went to the party. I like this because it was one of the cutest Lara's crying face. HAHA. She is saying, "Mum, can we stop this now? We have already taken 20 photos!!"
Another gorgeous family photo. =)

Lara was playing in her toy box. She gave us a funny gold fish face. So cute!

Reed and Lara on the trampoline together for the first time!

Jumping on the jumping castle.....

Reed's brother Boyd with Lara. She is holding and eating her first spring roll!
Kiss for my baby. =)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Friends from mothers group

Lara and I will truly miss our mothers group. We had lots of fun with the ladies and the babies. We started going to mothers group since Lara was 8 weeks old. It has been really fun. Allison xoxo
Lara and Heidi, Heidi was born three days before Lara. They are the closest when it comes to development. They both just have teeth!
Elijah and Rachel, Elijah is the eldest of all babies. He can walk, talk and copy what you do and say!
Elise and Elias (left), Elias has a few complications from birth. Things has been really tough for Elise but she is doing a fantastic job with Elias. She is always positive and happy and awake! Lisa and Dion (right), Lisa is really nice and her baby is the tallest of the group!

Ryan, Laura and Chelsea, Ryan is Laura's baby, he is so cute! He is always FULL of energy, he doesn't stop! Laura is just wonderful, she is always encouraging and happy. Joanne (not in picture) is Chelsea's mum, she always come up with the best topic to talk about. I have learnt a lot from her!

Margit is Heidi's mum, she is just so nice. We get along real well. I think because both of our babies don't sleep well and both of us feed the babies to sleep and rock them to sleep. We will get the sleeping right with our next baby!!
Lara and Elias

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Junk mail

Reading junk mail used to be one of Reed's favorite pass time activities of a day. Now it has become our family tradition.

Lara pushing ball

This is taking when Lara just starting creeping on the floor, check her out pushing the ball. She did well!! (Video) Allison xoxo

Lara and Mum

I love taking photos with Lara. Even though she hardly smiles at the camera, she still looks cute. =)

Alex and kids

his is my friend Alexandra Dalman. Isn't she beautiful? She came to my house for lunch and have a taste of what is will like to have two babies really close in age. (Lara 9 months, Joshua 2 months) It is hard! Very hard to get everyone smiling in the photo! Allison xoxo

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lara learning how to walk

Lara is now pulling herself up all the time now! Very exciting for her mummy and daddy.

Walking on her walker. Very happy that she can take big steps! Allison xoxo

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fathers Day

Dale, Cherie, Lara and Seanna

Grandpa Owen, Grandma Valerie and Lara

e celebrated Reed's first fathers day at Blackburn with the Clark family. We had a good meal and spent a good night together. Lara get to have a bath with Seanna, her 3.5 year old cousin, she didn't quite enjoy it but oh well.

Like the Mexican hat? It was meant for Cherie's dog Monty, who said it has to be for a dog? It looked so funny on Lara.

How come babies like to crawl on the floor?? It is not comfortable at all!!! Seanna doesn't look too comfy! Allison xoxo