Getting ready for bed, see the lovely blanket? I made it. I am very pround of that. ^__~
Getting dressed by dad
Lara was a tiny 2.64 kg baby 4 week early. I was glad I made it full term.
Kiss from dad
Hi Dad!!
First photo with mum and dad
You can see what I mean! Bigger features
When Emmeline was born, all her features were huge! She had a big nose, full lips, big cheeks and eyes, very very different to Lara when Lara was born.
The last family photo just the three of us!
16th July around 9 am, contracting every 6 minutes

Emmeline Grace Clark
Born 16th July 2008 at 11:14pm, weight 3.5 kg
The Labour
The contraction started at 4am and contracting every 6 min. I thought it was great! I was going to have Emmeline very soon, much shorter than my labour with Lara which was 26 hours. I was excited, I packed my bags, Emmeline's bag and Lara's bag and it was only 7:30am. We had breakfast and looking forward to have this baby during DAY time. Lara went with my mum around 9am and that is when things started to slow down. The contraction became every 8to10 min apart which is not looking good. Reed and I went out for a long walk and nothing improved, infact, it stopped at 12:30pm. I was EMOTIONAL. I was in tears.... WHAT WAS GOING ON!! I had my husband taking a day off work, my mum took a day off work, my bags were packed, and the contractions just stopped. I was crying non stop and slept. Reed and I decided that if we were not going to have the baby at least we have to go see the new Batman movie, the Dark Knight. We both had been looking forward to it. So we went! However, my contractions started again at 5pm just about 1 hour before the movie, I was a little worried and put all the bags in the car with us just in case.
I was enjoying the movie and timing the contractions at the same time, it was getting intense and close. I was struggling the last 30 min of the movie and we raced to the hospital. We arrived at 9:15pm waited for the midwife and have all the check up done and checked into the labour room around 10:15pm. I jumped on the bed and started using gas..... within 45 min, I was already pushing..... and Emmeline Grace Clark was born at 11:14pm. We were only in the hospital for less than 2 hours..... She was beautiful and healthy. We were very happy and I was glad that the pain was over....
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