Fantastic Five

Fantastic Five
Hard to take photos now with all three of them looking at the camera!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October weekend away at the city

This is Emmeline getting ready for church, she looks so pretty. She played with her dress the whole time. That was something Lara never did. Emmeline really enjoys touching the fabric of her clothing.

Us at our hotel room at Wyndam Sydney, very nice, newly renovated too!
Double checking that the lid is not food!

There is this super fast slide in the city. It was real fun
I took this photo, I loved it. Lara didn't want to be in the pram or being held, she just walked all by herself the whole morning.
This is this water thing that goes around and around, very cool. Lots of people come and take photos right in the middle.
I thought it looks pretty cool
I wanted Lara to join me but I guess the kangaroo just a bit too big and scary for her.
Stop for 'milk' break for Emmeline
We were having a break at Hyde Park, it was really nice. What a fabulous day.

I love shots like this, don't they look cute?

How cute.
I love the why they both looked in this photo. They looked real alike.

Our eyes looked sparkly don't they?

Picking our nose, we do that a lot.
Lara cannot wait for high heels!
It is so funny watching her walk in them. She was so confident too! What a natural
Caught Emmeline in a real good mood and gave me some real good shots!
Isn't she gorgeous?
Father and daughter playing trains. We got this from the toy library, Lara and Reed loved it. When it comes to toys, Reed is definately better at it!

Moved into our new house - beginning of October

Garage of our new house. It is also my little gym. I get up at 5:30am to do my work out. I know.. I am crazy huh? Well, I really don't have time during the day and really didn't want to take time off the night away from Reed... so 5:30am it is. I also get to watch movies, not bad!
Lara had seen me a few times on the cross trainer, she is really eager to try

She looked like a little trades girl! She is really into fixing stuff and putting things together like Reed. Thank goodness! Because she is not going to learn that well from me!

Look how careful she is!

We bought a ikea toy storage for Emmeline and Reed and Lara were putting it together, how cute huh?

Emmeline just got this new toy from Kmart, she really like it!

Lara is practicing spinning around. Look at she go!

Our beautiful girl likes to smile!

They look around the same size don't they??

Best friends forever!

Lara dancing

Sleeping beauty

Lara trying on Reed's boots

Having a play at the park

"Camera... Ready... ACTION....!!!"

We were at this magazine function called the "Women's Health", there are lots of activities, and rock climbing was one of them, it was so much fun.
Reed had a go as well! He is so much faster than me too, I blames on my shorter legs, jeans and no shoes! He was like a monkey, he was that quick!

Reed tried the trapeze that was pretty cool, check out the video to watch him spin!

  1. Reed on the trapeze,
  2. Emmeline playing at the park and
  3. Lara and Reed putting together a toy box